10 tips to do to run a 1 hour business meeting for fall:

1. Get your budget done very early and get it reviewed by TI and tentatively approved.

2. Run a town hall a few weeks before the fall business meeting where all interested can come and get their questions answered about the budget. During this meeting review the budget, explain that the categories and percentages come from TI and can’t be changed, explain that we can’t save money because we are a not for profit, etc. Have lots of time for questions. Make sure you get any vocal members to that meeting to address their questions. Be humble and make updates if you need to. Get the updated budget published and back to TI for review if needed.

3. Broadcast the zoom session on YouTube for all district members who want to join, BUT ONLY allow voting members to join the zoom. This will prevent a lot of extra opinions from non-voting people.

4. Have a full team helping you run the event. 

5. Have a script with everything laid out.

6. Have a dry run a few days before and troubleshoot any issues with the voting.

7. Promote the event a ton well in advance to get quorum.

8. Have a back up voting system and test it.

9. Email voters with how the voting system works. Show example Screenshots.

10. Sleep well the night before and don’t stress out. Your mood/attitude is totally transparent to your district. If you are nervous and sweeting and stuttering people will think you are trying to hide something and up to no good. You must be 100% calm and relaxed and even try to ENJOY the event!!